Complete Package: $750

Package includes full initial consult with in-depth review of medical history, symptoms and barriers to desired health goals, with review of customized lab panel by our physician. The lab panel is formulated specifically for you based on symptoms, medical history, family history, and health goals. Complete treatment plan with materials will be provided which will include nutrition protocol, activity program, and supplement protocol. Patients will also have access to discounted medical grade supplements, and access to peptide therapy catalogue if deemed beneficial by practitioner. 

- Package includes additional follow up visit in 3 months to review progress and assess additional needs.

- During the 3 month time frame, patient will have access to direct messaging with physician through patient portal for basic questions and status updates.

- Patient is responsible for cost of lab work.

- Subsequent follow up visits after 3 month time frame are available at additional cost.  

Optimization Consultation: $500

Service includes a custom lab panel created by our physician based on your personal health history, family history, symptoms, and desired health goals. Lab results are reviewed together and and extensive discussion will be held on how to optimize your dietary supplement protocol, nutrition plan, and physical activity.   

- Great for patients who are confident in their ability to source quality supplements on their own, are nutrition savvy with concepts like calories/macros, and have training experience with different types of exercise. 

- Patient will have access to direct messaging with physician for 3 months after visit for basic questions and updates.

- Patient is responsible for lab fees.

- Subsequent follow up visits are available through individual purchase.

Lab Review/Follow up visit: $120

follow up visit with practitioner to discuss current treatment plan/progress, potential adjustments/additions to treatment plan and review of labs if available.

- Also available for first time patients who have their own lab work and would simply like an interpretation by a functional medicine specialist

- Patient is responsible for cost of any lab work.